How having one bad planet in your astrology can ruin your life.
In this article, I am going to explain to you how having one bad planet, that one trouble-maker in your astrology can ruin your entire life.
And how to fix it.
First you have to understand that the planets are not only out there in the universe, but are also operating internally through your chakra system.
The planets are different aspects of your consciousness, and your vedic birthchart is a scientific scan of the make-up of your astral, subtle energy body, based on planetary math and numbers.

Your life in essence: is a symphony of all your planets operating together.
The energy and sound of the Sun.
The energy and sound of the Moon.
The energy and sound of Mercury.
The energy and sound of Mars.
The energy and sound of Venus.
The energy and sound of Jupiter.
The energy and sound of Saturn.
Just like the 7 notes they make up the symphony of your life.
If just one of these planets is not working well, if one of these 7 sounds is out of tune, the symphony sounds off and your life will be wrecked.
This one bad planet, this trouble maker will wreck your life, each and every time.
Imagine you’re a teacher in front of your class and you have that 1 pupil, that one kid who constantly disrupts the class or that one guy in your group of friends who mucks it up constantly for the rest of the group.
If not controlled it can ruin the whole experience for everyone.

You have heard the expression, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
It will always break at its weakest point.
If you have 7 rings in your chain.
Ring 1: can carry 500 pounds
Ring 2: can carry 300 pounds
Ring 3: can carry 100 pounds
Ring 4: can carry 75 ponds
Ring 5: can carry 40 pounds
Ring 6: can carry 25 pounds
Ring 7: can carry 10 pounds – weakest link
Total ability of that chain will be the weakest link = 10 pounds
Ring 1: can carry 500 pounds
Ring 2: can carry 300 pounds
Ring 3: can carry 100 pounds
Ring 4: can carry 75 ponds
Ring 5: can carry 40 pounds
Ring 6: can carry 25 pounds
Ring 7: can carry 10 pounds
What happens if we increase 100 pounds to the capacity of ring 1 to 600 pounds
Total ability of that chain will still be the weakest link = 10 pounds, an increase of 0%
If however you we add just 10 pounds
to the capacity of the weakest link, ring 7 to 20 pounds.
The total ability of that chain is now 20 pounds, an increase by 100%.
That is massive leverage and the kind of leverage I like!

As our bad planets are our weakest links.
Fixing them can give spectacular results.
So what exactly are bad planets?
A bad planet is a planet that has a bad habit, it is not functioning well or is low in its ability. That particular energy is not functioning well, in vedic astrology, we say it has a bad lajitadi or deeptadi avasthas.
So let’s go over each planet and what happens when that planet is not working well and best method for healing it.
Now most of us have bad planets, so go easy on yourself here.
This is not about making you feel bad about yourself, this is about empowering you and helping you get out of your suffering.
This is about breaking your specific cycle of pain, that has been running in the background of your life.
Shree Chandra or The Moon

A bad Moon: The Black Sheep
Moon with Saturn/Rahu/Ketu, aspected by an enemy, in an enemy sign.
At 0-1 years old you suffered some sort of trauma – physical, emotional, verbal abuse or you entered the world in an unwelcome hostile environment. This created an initial stress in your system that you are still trying to overcome.
Gives as result: Not able to adapt to your environment so you don’t get fed emotionally and you feel starved. Difficulty in discerning between who your friends are and who your enemies are. NO people, it has to be perfect for them to engage. This leads to a state of increased stress, and gives worries and fears. A bad moon gives a poor self-image, our self-image is how the world treats us.
A great Moon: Miss Popularity
Moon with Jupiter, aspected by an friend, in an friendly sign.
Gives as result: You have a healthy self-image, you totally accept yourself, the world reciprocates by sustaining you with love. You are able to adapt and go to the environments were you are most welcomed and nurtured. You are popular or influential socially.

Organ systems that corresponds to the Moon:
Circulatory, Respiratory and Urinary Systems.
The blood, pituitary gland, large intestine, lymph, cerebral cortex: issues with the Moon indicate issues with these organs and glands.
Method of healing: the right mantra, the right gemstone, calming herbs, and using will-power to affect an internal psychic behavioral change, parents birth chart analysis and regression therapy, eating more leafy vegetables, celery and drinking pure water.
Shree Surya or The Sun

A bad Sun: Low Self-Confidence Danny
Sun with Saturn/Venus/Rahu/Ketu, aspected by an enemy or in an enemy sign.
Gives as result – Not working on your own kingdom, your life and light, so you end up working as a slave in the kingdom of someone else. A bad sun gives low self confidence.
The light of the Sun powers all the others planets and flows through them. The very foundation of your life is on an unstable footing.
A great Sun: Burning The Midnight Oil
Sun with Jupiter, aspected by an friend or in an friendly sign.
Gives as result – Your self-confidence is high, You have a strong vision for your life and you follow it whatever comes your way, you are willing to sacrifice for your goals. You follow your own inner light and inspiration and use it to make the world a better place through building your own kingdom. You foundation in life is strong and your leadership abilities shine bright.

Organ systems that corresponds to the Sun:
Skeletal and immune systems.
The bones and the hart, parathyroid, throat/esophogus, lymph nodes, basal nuclei: issues with the Sun indicate issues with these organs and glands.
Method of healing: the right mantra, the right gemstone, using will-power to affect an internal psychic behavioral change so you connect with your light, Sun gazing and worshipping, eating more radishes and ginger.
Shree Shani or Saturn

A bad Saturn – Beating a Dead Horse
Saturn with Sun/Mars/Moon/Ketu/Rahu, aspected by an enemy or in an enemy sign.
Gives as result – Wasting your energy on unproductive things, beating a dead horse over and over again.
You have a hard time saying goodbye to unproductive things, learn the power of No, Won’t and moving past old pains and the past.
A great Saturn – The Tough Guy
Saturn with Jupiter, aspected by a friend or in a friendly sign.
Gives as result – You have enormous resistance and staying power in whatever you do, you know how and when to say NO to things that lead nowhere. You can easily shake off trauma’s in your life, your powers to overcome any difficulties is great, you will overcome. You are a natural authority figure.

Organ systems that corresponds to Saturn:
The Muscular and lymph system.
The lungs, ligaments, pancreas, tendons, Spinal cords and peripheral nerves: issues with Saturn indicate issues with these organs and glands.
Method of healing: the right mantra, the right gemstone, using will-power to affect an internal psychic behavioral change, selfless service work – karma yoga, feeding the poor and needy, eating more astringent herbs.
Shree Guru or Jupiter

A bad Jupiter – The Fool
Jupiter with Saturn/Venus/Rahu/Ketu, aspected by an enemy or in an enemy sign.
Gives as result – Not following your inner goodness, or following your inner creative sparks which creates unhappiness and a lack of abundance in your life. You look for goodness in places where it is not to be found in the outside world, instead of tapping into your own inner joy.
A great Jupiter – The Guru
Jupiter aspected by a friend or in a friendly sign.
Gives as result – You easily follow your inner goodness, your inner creative sparks which creates happiness and joy and abundance in your life. Your life is a demonstration of virtue as a representation of your inner virtue that is strong, thanks to your great Jupiter.

Organ systems that corresponds to Jupiter:
The Endocrine and Reproductive Systems
The Liver, the Stomach, Hypothalamus, The Thymus, Golgi Tendon Organs: issues with Jupiter indicate issues with these organs and glands.
Method of healing: the right mantra, the right gemstone, using will-power to affect an internal psychic behavioral change, giving money to charity, doing good deeds, eating more sweet fruits.
Shree Budha or Mercury

A bad Mercury – Danny Downer
Mercury with Saturn/Rahu/Ketu/Waning moon, aspected by an enemy or in an enemy sign.
Gives as result – Not doing enough trial and error and failing so you never find out what works, in addition you don’t learn from your mistakes. Al princes and princesses become kings and queens, by trying and failing until we get good.
A great Mercury – The Detective
Mercury with Jupiter, aspected by a friend or in a friendly sign.
Gives as result – You are a master of trial and error, method and analysis are not afraid to fail and learn from your mistakes. You try, fail, try, fail again, always looking for clues until eventually you solve the puzzle. You can use your analytical capabilities to get ahead in life.

Organ systems that corresponds to Mercury:
The Integumentary System and Sense Organs
The Spleen, Thyroid, Skin, Blood vessels, Gall bladder, Lymph vessels, Thalamus: issues with Mercury indicate issues with these organs and glands.
Method of healing: the right mantra, the right gemstone, using will-power to affect an internal psychic behavioral change, eating more nuts, seeds and tomatoes.
Shree Mangal or Mars

A bad Mars – The Drunken Brawler
Mars with Saturn/ Mercuy/Rahu/Ketu, aspected by an enemy or in an enemy sign.
Gives as result – Not fighting when you should fight for the right to be yourself, or not defending what is valuable in your life or fighting when you shouldn’t.
A great Mars – The Commander
Mars with Jupiter, aspected by a friend or in a friendly sign.
Gives as result –You are a natural commander, you know when you should fight for the right to be yourself and what is valuable in your life and more importantly you know when you shouldn’t fight. You use this training and fighting ability to get ahead in life.

Organ systems that corresponds to Mars:
The nervous system.
The Hart, marrow, adrenals, bladder, prostate, teeth/salivary glands, muscles, brain stem: issues with Mars indicate issues with these organs and glands.
Method of healing: the right mantra, the right gemstone, using will-power to affect an internal psychic behavioral change, eating more bitter greens.
Shree Shukra or Venus

A bad Venus – Trailer Park Betty
Venus with Saturn/Sun/Rahu/Ketu, aspected by an enemy or in an enemy sign.
Gives as result – Not interacting and taking care of valuable things but trying to heal and interacting with invaluable things out of low self-worth, making bad choices with a result that you are constantly running an energy – resource deficit. A bad venus gives low self-worth.
A great Venus – The Star
Venus with Jupiter, aspected by a friend or in a friendly sign.
Gives as result – You have a healthy sense of self-worth, you make good choices for your life that enable you to run surplus on your energy- resource account in life. You take care of things that are valuable in your life and abstain from trying to heal or interact with invaluable things or crappy, empty people. You have lots of vitality and animal magnetism.

Organ systems that corresponds to Venus:
The digestive system
The kidney, Cartiladge, Testes/Ovaries, Testosterone-Estrogen, Small intestine, Muscle Spindles, Cerebellum: issues with Venus indicate issues with these organs and glands.
Method of healing: the right mantra, the right gemstone, using will-power to affect an internal psychic behavioral change, eating more acidic fruits.
I have gone over the 7 planets.
Unless you heal that specific trouble making planet(s).
You are royally screwed!
Unless you heal that specific trouble making planet(s).
You are royally screwed!
Unless you heal that specific trouble making planet(s).
You are royally screwed!

As that trouble making planet(s) in your life will cause…
Financial difficulties
Career problems
Relationship disasters
At the most inopportune time…
Each and every time!!

What would be a great next step for you in order to help you with all of this.
My Core service: Vedic Natal Chart in depth analysis and consultation.
Jan De Wever